
بررسی کلمه

فعل گذرا ( transitive verb )
• : تعریف: combined form of borrow.

پیشنهاد کاربران

over - borrow
( also overborrow )
"Over - borrow" is a term used to describe a situation where an individual, business, or entity borrows more money than they can realistically afford to repay. This can lead to financial difficulties, debt accumulation, and potential default on loan obligations.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

اصطلاحی است برای توصیف وضعیتی که در آن یک فرد، کسب وکار یا نهاد پولی، بیش از آنچه که واقعاً توان پرداخت آن را دارد، قرض می کند.
این می تواند منجر به مشکلات مالی، انباشت بدهی و عدم پرداخت تعهدات وام شود.
تا خرخره زیر بار قرض رفتن، بیش از حد قرض گرفتن
The company over - borrowed to finance its expansion plans, leading to a high debt burden that strained its cash flow.
Individuals who over - borrowed on their credit cards found themselves in a cycle of debt with high interest payments.
The government's decision to over - borrow to fund infrastructure projects resulted in a significant increase in national debt.

منابع• https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/over-borrow
