over egg

پیشنهاد کاربران

UK ( also overegg )
The term “over - egg” is used to describe the act of overemphasizing or exaggerating something, often to the point where it becomes excessive or unnecessary.
تاکید بیش از حد کردن یا اغراق بر چیزی کردن، اغلب تا جایی که بیش از اندازه یا غیر ضروری می شود.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

پیاز داغ چیزی را زیاد کردن
She tends to over - egg her achievements on her resume, making her qualifications appear more impressive than they are.
The salesman over - egged the benefits of the product, promising unrealistic results to potential customers.
The author's tendency to over - egg the drama in the story made it less believable and engaging for readers.

منابع• https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/over-egg
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