organized chaos

پیشنهاد کاربران

This phrase refers to a situation or environment that may appear chaotic or disorganized at first glance, but actually has a hidden order or structure. It implies that there is a method to the apparent chaos.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

موقعیت یا محیطی که ممکن است در نگاه اول آشفته یا نامرتب به نظر برسد، اما در واقع نظم یا ساختاری پنهان در پس آن وجود دارد.
For example, a creative workspace might be described as “organized chaos” to convey a sense of creativity and spontaneity.
A person might say, “My desk may look like a mess, but it’s organized chaos. I know where everything is. ”
A director might describe a film set as “organized chaos” to highlight the controlled chaos of coordinating multiple elements and actors.
