
پیشنهاد کاربران

This slang term is a shortened version of the word “opium, ” which refers to a highly addictive narcotic drug derived from the opium poppy. It can be used to describe opium itself or to refer to the act of using opium.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

این اصطلاح عامیانه نسخه کوتاه شده کلمه "تریاک/opium" است که به یک ماده مخدر بسیار اعتیادآور مشتق شده از خشخاش اشاره دارد. می توان از آن برای توصیف خود تریاک یا برای اشاره به عمل مصرف تریاک استفاده کرد.
1. The doctor prescribed a medication containing opi for the patient's severe pain.
2. Law enforcement officials are working to combat the trafficking of illegal opi substances.
3. Some people misuse opi drugs, leading to serious health consequences.
4. Research is ongoing to develop safer alternatives to traditional opi painkillers.
5. Addiction to opi substances can have devastating effects on individuals and their families.

منابع• https://fluentslang.com/slang-for-opium/
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