open to criticism

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open to criticism
1. Able to be criticized by others.
All art is open to criticism. We should never say we can't critique something just because it is a "masterpiece. "
[مشاهده متن کامل]

2. Willing to receive and listen to criticism.
Would you mind reading this short story I wrote? I really want to improve my writing, so I'm open to criticism
🔴 If you're open to criticism, you're able to accept negative feedback about yourself or your work without reacting overly emotionally. . . . In fact, whether criticism is constructively intended or not, you have the option to use it – or not.
🔴 It means the same as “can be criticized”. That is usually a euphemistic way of saying “is wrong”. If President Trump declares you you can cure Covid - 19 by drinking disinfectant, you could say, politely, “The President is open to criticism for making this assertion. ” Or you could say “The President is just plain wrong when he says this. ”
