one two etc down one two etc to go

پیشنهاد کاربران

one, two, etc. down, one, two etc. to go
The expression “one, two, etc. down, one, two etc. to go” is used to convey that you have completed or dealt with the first part of a series of tasks, but there are still more tasks remaining to be done.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

It implies that you’ve made progress, but the job isn’t finished yet.
عبارت برای بیان این مطلب استفاده می شود که شما قسمت اول یک سری کارها را تکمیل کرده اید یا با آن سروکار داشته اید، اما هنوز کارهای بیشتری باقی مانده است که باید انجام شود.
این نشان می دهد که پیشرفت کرده اید، اما کار هنوز تمام نشده است.
“After submitting two chapters of my thesis, I thought, ‘Two down, three to go. ’”
“She baked two cakes for the party, and now she’s working on the third. Two down, one to go!”
“We’ve interviewed four candidates so far, and there are still two more to meet. Four down, two to go. ”

