one percenter

پیشنهاد کاربران

This term is used to describe the top 1% of the population who are extremely wealthy. It is often associated with individuals who have immense financial resources and can afford a lavish lifestyle.
یک درصد بالای جمعیت که بسیار ثروتمند هستند.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

اغلب به افرادی گفته می شود که منابع مالی زیادی دارند و می توانند هزینه یک سبک زندگی مجلل را بپردازند.
ملاحظه؛ در فارسی هم معادلش وجود دارد؛ یک درصدی ها
The one - percenters live in mansions and travel in private jets.
In a discussion about income inequality, someone might say, “The one - percenters control a disproportionate amount of wealth. ”
A person might envy the lifestyle of a one - percenter and say, “I wish I could be a one - percenter and have everything money can buy. ”
