one of those things

یکی از آن چیزها (ی احتراز ناپذیر یا تغییر ناپذیر و غیره)

پیشنهاد کاربران

( just ) one of those things
The phrase " ( just ) one of those things" is used to describe an unexpected or unexplainable occurrence, often suggesting that there was nothing unusual or significant about the incident
[مشاهده متن کامل]

عبارت برای توصیف یک رویداد غیرمنتظره یا غیرقابل توضیح استفاده می شود، که اغلب نشان می دهد که هیچ چیز غیرعادی یا قابل توجهی در مورد حادثه وجود ندارد.
پیش میاد دیگه، اتفاقه
The road was blocked, so we missed the meeting - it was just one of those things.
"Her phone suddenly stopped charging, but it's just one of those things that happens occasionally. "
"Despite all the preparation, the cake fell apart right before serving; it's just one of those things that happen in baking. "
"His flight got delayed, but it's just one of those things that come with traveling. "

یعنی اتفاقه دیگه، پیش میاد، کاریش نمیشه کرد
