one man army

پیشنهاد کاربران

This term refers to someone who is capable of handling tasks or challenges alone, without the need for assistance from others. It implies that the person is self - sufficient and able to handle any situation on their own.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

کسی که قادر است وظایف یا چالش ها را به تنهایی و بدون نیاز به کمک دیگران انجام دهد.
به این معنی است که فرد خودکفا و قادر است هر موقعیتی را به تنهایی مدیریت کند.
He’s like a one - man army. He can take on any project and complete it successfully.
A person might say, “I don’t need a team to accomplish my goals. I’m a one - man army. ”
Another might use the term to describe someone who is resourceful and independent, saying, “She’s a one - man army when it comes to problem - solving. She doesn’t need anyone’s help to find a solution. ”
