on this score

پیشنهاد کاربران

on this/that score
about the thing or subject that has just been mentioned
در مورد چیز یا موضوعی که اخیراً ذکر شد، درباره این/ آن موضوع ( مورد )
I'll let you have the money, so there's nothing to worry about on that score.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

"The team has a lot of determination to win, " declared the coach. "I have no doubts on that score. "
There's definitely accommodation available so we're all sorted on that score.
He's certainly qualified for the job. I have no problem on that score.
She's blameless on this score, at any rate.
***************************************************************************************************************************https://dictionary. cambridge. org/dictionary/english/on - this - that - score?q=on this score

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