office supplies


[ریاضیات] ملزومات اداری

پیشنهاد کاربران

لوازم اداری
the materials such as paper and pens that are needed in offices:
ملزومات اداری
United Stationers sells office supplies through 30 distribution centers throughout the country.
This store has everything you need, from food to furniture, office supplies and toiletries.
office supplies
لوازم/ ملزومات اداری
تجهیزات اداری
1 ) Office supplies are consumables and equipment regularly used in offices by businesses and other organizations, by individuals engaged in written communications, recordkeeping or bookkeeping, janitorial and cleaning, and for storage of supplies or data
[مشاهده متن کامل]

2 ) the materials such as paper and pens that are needed in offices:
E. g. United Stationers sells office supplies through 30 distribution centers throughout the country.
