office hours hustle

پیشنهاد کاربران

Refers to the act of frantically studying or seeking help from a professor during their designated office hours, usually right before an exam or assignment deadline.
مطالعه دیوانه وار یا درخواست کمک از یک استاد در ساعات اداری تعیین شده، معمولا درست قبل از پایان مهلت امتحان یا تکلیف درسی
[مشاهده متن کامل]

For instance, a student might say, “I pulled an office hours hustle last night to get some clarification on the material before the test. ”
Another student might ask, “Are you going to the professor’s office hours for some last - minute help? It’s time for the office hours hustle!”
A professor might advise their students, “Don’t wait until the last minute to come to my office hours. Make use of them throughout the semester to stay on track. ”
