offer your sympathies

پیشنهاد کاربران

offer/send your sympathies formal
To "offer" or "send" your sympathies formally means to express your condolences and support to someone who has experienced a loss or is going through a difficult time.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

"پیشنهاد" یا "ارسال" همدردی های خود به طور رسمی به معنای ابراز تسلیت و حمایت خود به کسی است که مصیبتی را تجربه کرده یا دوران سختی را پشت سر می گذارد. این راهی برای نشان دادن همدردی و ناراحتی است.
"I went along to the funeral in order to offer my sympathies. "
"Paul's colleagues all join me in sending their sympathies to his widow. "
"Losing a child is devastating and I send my sympathies. "

offer your sympathies
