off the rails

پیشنهاد کاربران

This phrase is used to describe someone or something that is behaving in an unpredictable or uncontrollable manner. It implies a loss of sanity or rationality.
توصیف کسی یا چیزی که رفتاری غیرقابل پیش بینی یا غیرقابل کنترل دارد.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

دلالت بر از دست دادن عقلانیت یا خردگرایی دارد، از خط خارج شده
After losing his job, he went off the rails and started behaving erratically.
In a discussion about a chaotic situation, someone might say, “Things have really gone off the rails. ”
A person describing a wild party might say, “The party last night was completely off the rails. ”
