
پیشنهاد کاربران

As per the Merriam Webster dictionary, nudification is defined as “the act of making nude''. It is a noun that is derived from the Latin word “nudus” which means “naked” and the suffix “ - fiacre” which means “to make.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

طبق فرهنگ لغت مریام وبستر، nudification به عنوان "عمل برهنه سازی" تعریف شده است. اسمی است که از کلمه لاتین nudus به معنای برهنه و پسوند - ficare به معنای ساختن گرفته شده است.
He said offences involving AI were already being reported to police. These include “nudification” where the photo of a person – usually female – is digitally stripped of clothing to make it appear as if they are naked.

