not see the wood for the trees

پیشنهاد کاربران

متوجه اصل موضوع نشدن
idiom/ UK ( US not see the forest for the trees )
To be unable to get a general understanding of a situation because you are too worried about the details/For example, if someone is trying to solve a complex problem but is too focused on the minor details, they might not be able to see the overall solution.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

اصطلاح، انگلیسی بریتانیایی
( امریکایی ها بجای کلمه trees، از کلمه forest در این عبارت استفاده می کنند )
به دلیل اینکه بیش از حد نگران جزئیات هستید قادر به درک کلی از یک موقعیت نیستید/ به عنوان مثال، اگر فردی در تلاش است تا یک مشکل پیچیده را حل کند اما بیش از حد بر جزئیات فرعی متمرکز باشد، ممکن است نتواند راه حل کلی را ببیند.
The CEO was so focused on the minor details of the project that he couldn’t see the bigger picture. He was not seeing the wood for the trees.
The accountant was so preoccupied with the numbers that she failed to notice the company’s declining reputation. She was not seeing the wood for the trees.
The detective was so caught up in the individual pieces of evidence that he missed the overall pattern. He was not seeing the wood for the trees.
The teacher was so concerned with the students’ grades that she overlooked their emotional well - being. She was not seeing the wood for the trees.

اسب را ول کرده نعلش را گرفته
درک نکردن یا متوجه نشدن یک موقعیت یا مشکل بزرگتر
زیرا تنها بخشی از آن را در نظر می گیریم.
