not quite oneself

پیشنهاد کاربران

"Not quite oneself" is an idiomatic expression that means being out of character, not fully oneself, or not behaving as one normally would. It can describe a situation where someone is feeling or acting in a way that's unfamiliar or uncharacteristic of their usual self.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

عبارت اصطلاحی
خارج از شخصیت خود بودن، به طور کامل خود نبودن یا رفتار نکردن به طور معمول.
این می تواند موقعیتی را توصیف کند که در آن شخصی احساس می کند یا به گونه ای رفتار می کند که برای خود معمولی او ناآشنا یا نامشخص است.
"After the accident, she was not quite herself for weeks. " ( indicating a temporary transformation ) "
He's not quite himself since his divorce. " ( suggesting a loss of identity )
"I'm not quite myself when I'm around my ex. " ( implying role - playing or pretending )
