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These family advertisements are not much to look at.
Times, Sunday Times ( 2010 )
I'm not much to look at, nothin' to see.
Times, Sunday Times ( 2018 )
It's not much to look at - a two - year - old sprout of willow about 12ft tall.
... [مشاهده متن کامل]
Times, Sunday Times ( 2007 )
It's not much to look at, but the flavour and aromas are fantastic.
Times, Sunday Times ( 2014 )
It is not much to look at.
Times, Sunday Times ( 2009 )
I am not much to look at, being slight of figure and with mousy hair.
Times, Sunday Times ( 2010 )
It is not much to look at: little more than a corrugated iron shack with earth floors.
Times, Sunday Times ( 2013 )
Not much to look at; just a slight tangle of legs that sort of didn't look quite right.
Times, Sunday Times ( 2008 )
There's not much to look at.
Times, Sunday Times ( 2016 )
It isn't much to look at, but it is powerful enough for most people.
Times, Sunday Times ( 2011 )
... [مشاهده متن کامل]
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