not cricket

پیشنهاد کاربران

This phrase is often used to describe something that is not fair or honest. It originates from the sport of cricket, where fair play and adherence to the rules are highly valued.
چیزی که منصفانه یا صادقانه نیست.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

این از ورزش کریکت سرچشمه می گیرد، جایی که بازی جوانمردانه و پایبندی به قوانین بسیار ارزشمند است.
Changing the rules halfway through the game is just not cricket.
A person might say, “It’s not cricket to take credit for someone else’s work. ”
In a discussion about a controversial decision, someone might comment, “That ruling was definitely not cricket. ”
