non consensual intercourse

پیشنهاد کاربران

This refers to any sexual activity that occurs without the explicit consent of all parties involved. Non - consensual intercourse is a more formal term used to describe the act of rape.
هر گونه فعالیت جنسی که بدون رضایت صریح و آشکار طرفین درگیر رخ می دهد.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

آمیزش غیر توافقی/Non - consensual intercourse اصطلاح رسمی تری است برای توصیف عمل تجاوز جنسی/rape ( تجاوز به عنف ) .
“Non - consensual intercourse is a serious crime that carries severe penalties. ”
In a discussion about sexual assault, someone might say, “It’s important to understand that non - consensual intercourse is never the victim’s fault. ”
A survivor of rape might share their experience by saying, “I was a victim of non - consensual intercourse, and it has had a lasting impact on my life. ”

