• : تعریف: (Latin) not of sound mind, and therefore not legally responsible or capable. • مشابه: mad
[حقوق] دیوانه، مختل المشاعر
انگلیسی به انگلیسی
• insane, not of sound mind, not sane and cannot be held responsible for his actions if someone is non compos mentis, they are unable to understand what they are doing, for example because they are mentally ill, and are therefore not legally responsible for their actions; a legal expression.
پیشنهاد کاربران
بی عقل مثال: How could such a non compos mentis person have become a teacher چطور چنین آدم بی عقلی توانسته معلم شود
( قانون ، و نیز کاربردهای زیاد دیگر ) دیوانه ، مجنون ، دور از خرد و اندیشه ، ناتوان از کنترل بر خود