no strings attached

پیشنهاد کاربران

بدون شرط و شروط، بدون محدودیت
1. We agreed to have a casual, no strings attached relationship.
2. I prefer friendships with no strings attached, where we can come and go as we please.
3. Let's keep this business deal no strings attached, so we can both walk away at any time.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

4. I'm looking for a job with no strings attached, where I can work on my own terms.
5. It's refreshing to have a no strings attached arrangement, where there are no expectations or obligations.

بدون چشم داشت
done without conditions or limitations
بدون قید و شرط و محدودیت
a no - strings proposal
I'll drive you home - no strings attached
I’m happy to help you move, but I need to make it clear that there are no strings attached.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

I’m not looking for anything serious right now, so let’s just keep it casual with no strings attached.
The company offered me a promotion with a higher salary, but there were too many strings attached, so I turned it down.
I’m willing to lend you the money, but there can be no strings attached. I don’t want any complications.
We agreed to meet up for dinner, but there were no strings attached. It was just two friends catching up.

بی قیدوشرط
بدون دلبستگی
بی کم و کاست
بی چون و چرا
ببدون محدودیت
"بدون/بی هیچ چشم داشتی"
بدون هیچ قید و شرطی
بدون تعهد
مشاهده ادامه پیشنهادها (١٠ از ١١)
