ne’er do well

پیشنهاد کاربران

Ne’er - do - well
A ne’er - do - well is a person who is lazy, unproductive, or unsuccessful in their pursuits. It can also be used to describe someone who is constantly getting into trouble or engaging in questionable activities.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

فردی تنبل، غیر مولد یا ناموفق در فعالیت های خود. همچنین می توان از آن برای توصیف فردی که دائماً دچار مشکل می شود یا درگیر فعالیت های مشکوک است، استفاده کرد.
For instance, a parent might say to their child, “Stop being such a ne’er - do - well and start studying. ”
In a comedy movie, a character might be portrayed as a lovable ne’er - do - well who always finds themselves in humorous situations.
A friend might jokingly say to another, “You’re such a ne’er - do - well, always late and never getting anything done. ”

