new fish

پیشنهاد کاربران

This slang term is often used in a prison or criminal context to refer to a new inmate. “New fish” implies that the person is vulnerable and inexperienced, making them an easy target for manipulation or abuse.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

این اصطلاح عامیانه اغلب در یک زندان یا زمینه جنایی برای اشاره به یک زندانی جدید استفاده می شود
"new fish" به این معنی است که فرد آسیب پذیر و بی تجربه است و او را به یک هدف آسان برای ملعبه دست یا سوء استفاده تبدیل می کند.
تازه وارد، لقمه راحت الحصول
For instance, an experienced prisoner might say to a new fish, “Watch your back, kid. The sharks are always looking for fresh meat. ”
In a conversation about prison life, someone might mention, “New fish often get taken advantage of until they learn the ropes. ”
A movie character might say, “I was a new fish once, but I quickly learned how to survive behind bars. ”

