net of law

پیشنهاد کاربران

Net of Law ( also known as "Web of Law" or "Labyrinth of Law" )
The concept of "Net of Law" refers to the intricate and complex web of legal principles, rules, and regulations that govern a particular society or jurisdiction. It is often used to describe the vast and often confusing array of laws, regulations, and ordinances that govern various aspects of life, including criminal law, civil law, administrative law, and more.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

شبکه بغرنج و پیچیده ای از اصول، قواعد و مقررات قانونی اشاره دارد که بر جامعه یا حوزه قضایی خاصی حاکم است.
اغلب برای توصیف مجموعه گسترده و اغلب گیج کننده قوانین، مقررات و احکامی که بر جنبه های مختلف زندگی، از جمله قانون جزا، قانون مدنی، حقوق اداری و غیره حاکم است، استفاده می شود.
In essence, the Net of Law is a metaphorical representation of the vast and complex legal framework that underlies a society, which can be difficult to navigate and understand.
در اصل، شبکه قانون یک نمایش استعاری از چارچوب قانونی گسترده و پیچیده ای است که زیربنای یک جامعه است، که هدایت و درک آن می تواند دشوار باشد.
The new tax law has added another layer to the already complex net of law, making it even harder for small businesses to comply.
The judge's ruling created a tangled web of law, leaving many lawyers and legal scholars scratching their heads.
The Net of Law in this country is so vast and complex that it's almost impossible to keep up with all the changes.
