
پیشنهاد کاربران

عاشق قارچ
A mycophile person is one whose hobby is hunting and foraging for wild edible mushrooms. Hunting for wild mushrooms also implies their consumption and circulation. Unfortunately, mushroom intoxications are a frequent consequence of profuse mushroom picking and consumption by mycophiles.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

People who are obsessed with mushrooms and love them very much are often referred to as "mycophiles". This term comes from the Greek word "mykes", which means mushrooms, and "philein", which means to love. Mycophiles are individuals who have a deep appreciation for mushrooms, whether it's for their culinary, medicinal, or ecological value. They may have a strong interest in foraging for wild mushrooms, growing their own mushrooms, or studying the biology and ecology of different mushroom species.
