multi hyphenate

پیشنهاد کاربران

هنرمند چند منظوره
هنرمند چند وجهی
هنرمند با مهارتهای چندگانه
( مجری - خبرنگار ، بازیگر - مجری. . . . . )
someone who does several different jobs, especially in the entertainment industry:
[مشاهده متن کامل]

Timberlake has continued his growth as a full - fledged, multi - hyphenate: singer/film actor/comedy - sketch player and record - label mogul.
تیمبرلیک به ترقی خودش ادامه دا به عنوان یک هنرمند چندمنظوره تمام عیار، خواننده هنرپیشه. . .
Peter Gerard was one of the era's multi - hyphenates, having written, starred in, and directed two hit movies.
