move in on someone

پیشنهاد کاربران

move in on something/someone
"Move in on" is a phrasal verb that means to come close or closer to someone or something in order to attack or take control of them. It is often used in a threatening or aggressive context.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

یک فعل عبارتی است که به معنای نزدیک یا نزدیک تر شدن به کسی یا چیزی برای حمله یا کنترل کردن آنها است. اغلب در یک زمینه تهدیدآمیز یا تهاجمی استفاده می شود.
The police moved in on the criminal hideout to make arrests.
The rival company is moving in on our market share.
The newcomer to the team moved in on the leadership position, challenging the incumbent.

move in on someone
