move in different circles

پیشنهاد کاربران

"Move in different circles" is an idiom that means to have different groups of friends or different work or social connections. It implies that two people have separate social or professional spheres and may not interact with the same people or be involved in the same activities. Here are some example sentences using the phrase:
[مشاهده متن کامل]

اصطلاحی است که به معنای داشتن گروه های مختلف دوستان یا روابط کاری یا اجتماعی متفاوت است. به این معنی است که دو نفر دارای حوزه های اجتماعی یا حرفه ای مجزا هستند و ممکن است با افراد یکسان تعامل نداشته باشند یا در فعالیت های مشابهی شرکت نداشته باشند.
این اصطلاح اغلب برای توصیف جدایی اجتماعی یا حرفه ای بین افراد استفاده می شود.
"Despite being in the same class, they moved in different circles and didn't interact much outside of school. "
"After graduating, she moved in different circles and lost touch with some of her college friends. "
"As a result of their different career paths, they moved in different circles and rarely crossed paths professionally. "

