
انگلیسی به انگلیسی

• specific for a single antigen or receptor site on an antigen; (botany and zoology) refers to a genus which has a single species

پیشنهاد کاربران

📋 دوستان در زبان انگلیسی یک prefix داریم به اسم mono
📌 این پیشوند، معادل "one" یا "single" می باشد؛ بنابراین کلماتی که این پیشوند را در خود داشته باشند، به "one" یا "single" مربوط هستند.
📂 مثال:
[مشاهده متن کامل]

🔘 monologue: A speech or performance by one person
🔘 monochrome: A single color or shade
🔘 monopoly: A market controlled by a single seller
🔘 monotonous: Lacking variation; repetitive or dull
🔘 monogamy: The practice of having one spouse at a time
🔘 monoxide: A chemical compound containing one oxygen atom
🔘 monolithic: Large, single, and uniform in structure
🔘 monotheism: Belief in a single god
🔘 monorail: A railway system with a single rail
🔘 monosyllable: A word with only one syllable
🔘 monopsony: A market controlled by a single buyer
🔘 monocle: A single lens used to correct vision in one eye
🔘 monarchy: A form of government led by a single ruler, often a king or queen
🔘 monoculture: The practice of growing a single crop in a given area
🔘 monostable: Having only one stable state
🔘 monomer: A molecule that can join together with others to form a polymer
🔘 monopole: A single magnetic pole, either north or south
🔘 monotone: A continuous tone without variation in pitch
🔘 monograph: A detailed written study of a single subject
🔘 monocot: A type of plant with one seed leaf
🔘 monoplane: An aircraft with a single main wing
🔘 monotonic: A sequence that either never increases or never decreases
🔘 monoclonal: Derived from a single clone of cells
🔘 monophonic: Sound with a single audio channel
🔘 monotony: Lack of variety, making things repetitive and dull
🔘 monofocal: Having one focal point
🔘 monopod: A single - legged support, often used for cameras
🔘 monovalent: Having a valence of one
🔘 monomania: An obsession with one idea or subject
🔘 monolithic: Large and uniform, as if made from a single stone
🔘 monochromic: Relating to one color
🔘 monoculture: The practice of growing a single type of crop
🔘 monotask: The act of focusing on one task at a time
🔘 monolayer: A single layer of cells or material
🔘 monosemous: Having only one meaning
🔘 monostructural: Having a single structural pattern or form
🔘 monotropism: A tendency to focus on one aspect of a situation
🔘 monopolar: Having one pole or focus
🔘 monospecific: Pertaining to a single species
🔘 monoglot: A person who speaks only one language

تک گونه ای
