may as well

پیشنهاد کاربران

You can't help being biased so you may as well be up
front about it
شما نمی توانید از متعصب بودن خودداری کنید، بنابراین چاره ای نیست که در رابطه با آن رک و روراست باشید
چاره ای جز. . . نداشتن/بهترین کار اینه که. . .
If you've finished your work, you may as well go home
اگر کارت را تموم کرده ای، چاره ای جز اینکه بری خونه نیست
We may as well buy a Benz since you don't like Ford
بهترین کار اینه که بنز بخریم چون تو فراری دوست نداری
خوبه که . . . . یا بهترین کار اینه که . . .
چاره ای جز . . . نداشتن
used to make an unenthusiastic suggestion.
"I may as well admit that I always underestimated John"
used to indicate that a situation is the same as if the hypothetical thing stated were true.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

"the road was open again, but may as well have remained closed, such were the delays"
1 - لابد، ناچار
۲ - چه بسا

بهترین کار اینه که . . .
چه بسا
بهتره که . . . ، ( انجام بهترین کار در موقعیت مورد نظر
are you going to the movie tonight?
I may as well. I dont have any thing to do
چه بهتر ( که. . . )
به ناچار
