• : تعریف: a large public meeting, called to discuss some matter of common concern or interest.
انگلیسی به انگلیسی
• convention, large-scale assembly, gathering of a large number of people
پیشنهاد کاربران
✍️جلسه عمومی ( اسم ) : یک تجمع بزرگ از افراد، معمولاً برای یک هدف خاص مانند تجمع سیاسی، اعتراض، سخنرانی عمومی، یا رویداد اجتماعی. 👇مترادف؛ Public Gathering Rally Assembly 👇مثال؛ The civil rights movement was marked by many mass meetings where leaders spoke about justice and equality. ... [مشاهده متن کامل]
A mass meeting was held in the town square to discuss the community's response to the new legislation. The political party organized a mass meeting to rally support for their candidate.