marshy land

پیشنهاد کاربران

Marshy land refers to an area of low - lying, wet, and soft ground that is often covered in water or has a high water table. It is commonly referred to as a wetland, as it is a type of ecosystem characterized by its waterlogged conditions and specific vegetation.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

زمین باتلاقی / منطقه ای از زمین های کم ارتفاع، مرطوب و نرم که اغلب پوشیده از آب است یا سطح آب بالایی دارد.
معمولاً به عنوان یک wetland/تالاب شناخته می شود، زیرا نوعی اکوسیستم است که با شرایط آب دار/غرقابی و پوشش گیاهی خاص آن مشخص می شود.
The wetland is home to a variety of bird species and provides important habitat for wildlife.
A nature conservationist might say, “Preserving the marshy land is crucial for maintaining the delicate balance of the wetland ecosystem. ”
In a conversation about land use, someone might discuss, “The development plans must take into account the impact on the wetland and its marshy areas. ”

marshy land
