این خط اینم نشون
حرفمو آویزه ی گوشت کن!
از من گفتن بود، بلاخره به حرف من میرسی
Remember your prediction later
ببین کی گفتم!
used to tell someone to listen to and remember what one is saying Mark my words. Nothing good will come of thisهیچ چیز خوبی از توی این در نمیاد
Phrase said before or after a prediction or declaration to mean: "You should write down what I say ( mentally or literally ) , because it will come true or be something unforgetable. "
... [مشاهده متن کامل]
Usually said in warning or in a betting situation, so that you can win a wager or say I told you so later.
Intended to convey great conviction, as though your statement could be doubted or denied by others.
"Mark my words, that car will break down on the way there. "
"If you go, mark my words, your stuff will be on the lawn when you get back. "
"That marriage won't last a year; mark my words. "
🍓 Listen to what I say now, I am sure it will turn out to be true.
It will snow in Greenland this winter you mark my words.
حرفام رو تو مخت فرو کن
رو حرفم حساب کن.
به حرفم می رسی
این خط و این نشون
حرف هام یادت باشه
used to tell someone that they should
pay attention to what you are saying
They’re going to regret firing me, you mark my words!
انها از اخراج کردن من پشیمون میشن، حالا ببین کی گفتم
Mark my words, that relationship won't last
حالا ببین کی گفتم، این رابطه دوام نمیاره
از من گفتن بود. . .
به حرفم میرسی. . .
این خط این نشون
مشاهده ادامه پیشنهادها (١٠ از ١٥)