mark my word

پیشنهاد کاربران

این خط این نشان
بهت قول میدم ( که کاری را انجام میدهم )
به حرفم میرسی
ببین کی بهت گفتم
If you say 'mark my words' to someone, you are emphasizing that something you have just warned them about is very likely to happen, especially when you think they should change their attitude or behaviour to prevent it.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

It is also used as a caution or as a challenge/bet. It means that if such and such thing happens or does not happen then what I am saying is will come true
That's what you'll end up with, you mark my words

حرفامو قاب طلا کن. آب طلا بگیر. یا اینکه بهشون توجه کن.
Mark my words, go and work
حرفامو آب طلا بگیر، بهشون توجه کن، برو و کار کن.
به حرفم میرسی
این خط این نشان
used to tell someone that they should
pay attention to what you are saying
They’re going to regret firing me, you mark my words!
انها از اخراج کردن من پشیمون میشن، حالا ببین کی گفتم
Mark my words, that relationship won't last
حالا ببین کی گفتم، این رابطه دوام نمیاره
