make the sparks fly

پیشنهاد کاربران

- دودستگی ایجاد کردن
- دوبه هم زنی کردن
- فتنه کردن
- درگیری و دعوا به پا کردن
- بهم ریختن اوضاع و شرایط
- آشفته و مشوش شدن/کردن
- به نتایج درخشان رسیدن ( به سرعت )
- با حرارت و شدت عمل کردن
[مشاهده متن کامل]

- sparks fly
- fur will fly
- make the dust fly
- make the fur fly
- make the feathers fly
1 - If sparks fly between two or more people, they argue angrily
- there is an angry argument
- used to say that two people are having an argument with each other
- Start a fight or argument
- To cause disruption, confusion, or turmoil.
NOTE: In this idiom, the small particles of a fire called sparks are transferred to an inflammatory situation.
💠 The CEO's resignation made the sparks fly in the media about the tech giant's future.
💠 My mom will make the sparks fly if she finds out we took her car without asking.
💠 If Mary finds out he went to the races without her, that will make the sparks fly.
💠 The sparks really fly when my mother and her sister get together.
2 - To do or attempt something with great energy, enthusiasm, and skill.
💠 The team's quarterback really made the sparks fly on Sunday, making over 30 completed passes for four touchdowns and running for a total of 250 yards all by himself.
3 - used to say that two people are sexually attracted to each other
- To create a lot of tension between two or more people, especially that which is of a sexual or romantic nature.
💠 The two TV presenters have clashing personalities that really make the sparks fly no matter what they're talking about. It's part of why their show is so popular.
💠 We've got some tips for date nights with your significant other that will really make the sparks fly!
💠 Sparks flew when they met for the first time.
