make the feathers fly

پیشنهاد کاربران

۱ - دودستگی ایجاد کردن
- دوبه هم زنی کردن
- فتنه کردن
- درگیری و دعوا به پا کردن
- بهم ریختن اوضاع و شرایط
- آشفته و مشوش شدن/کردن
۲ - به نتایج درخشان رسیدن ( به سرعت )
[مشاهده متن کامل]

- با حرارت و شدت عمل کردن
OR make the dust fly
[and] make the fur fly
1 - Fig. to cause a fight or an argument
- to cause disruption, confusion, or turmoil.
- to create an uproar.
- Stir matters up
- a violent confrontation will follow.
💠 The CEO's resignation made the feathers fly in the media about the tech giant's future.
💠 When your mother gets home and sees what you’ve done, she’ll really make the fur fly.
💠 When those two get together, they’ll make the feathers fly. They hate each other.
💠 When she saw the dog sleeping on her new bedspread, she really made the dust fly.
💠 As soon as he learns who dented his car, he'll make the feathers fly.
💠 She'd better not interfere or he'll make the fur fly.
💠 My mom will make the feathers fly if she finds out we took her car without asking.
2 - To do or attempt something with great energy, enthusiasm, and skill.
- to act energetically
- to move swiftly
- cause a commotion or disturbance
💠 The team's quarterback really made the feathers fly on Sunday, making over 30 completed passes for four touchdowns and running for a total of 250 yards all by himself.
All three versions of this term allude to hunting, and to what happens when dogs are set on a bird, rabbit, raccoon, or similar creature. Flying fur is the older image, dating at least from the seventeenth century. Feathers dates from the early nineteenth century. A somewhat newer variant is fur will fly, meaning a violent confrontation will follow. An Americanism from the early 1800s, it is probably heard more often today than the older terms. A headline in U. S. News and World Report had it on January 18, 1988: Watching the Fur Fly.
