make off on foot

پیشنهاد کاربران

The phrase “make off on foot” refers to escaping or departing by walking. When someone makes off on foot, they are leaving a place or situation by using their legs rather than any other mode of transportation. For example, if a suspect runs away from the scene of a crime, they are making off on foot. It’s a vivid way to describe someone fleeing or departing quickly by walking away from a location.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

فرار کردن یا ترک کردن محلی بصورت پیاده. هنگامی که شخصی با پای پیاده حرکت می کند، یعنی مکان یا موقعیتی را بدون وسیله حمل و نقل دیگری ترک می کند. به عنوان مثال، اگر مظنونی از صحنه جنایت فرار کند، he is making off on foot. این یک روش واضح برای توصیف فردی است که با دور شدن از یک مکان به سرعت فرار می کند یا می رود.
After stealing the valuable painting, the art thief made off on foot, darting through the narrow alleyways to escape the pursuing police.
When the fire alarm went off in the building, everyone had to evacuate. Some people took the stairs, while others made off on foot across the parking lot.

