make lemonade out of lemons

پیشنهاد کاربران

This phrase means to make the best of a bad or difficult situation, finding something positive or beneficial within it. It implies resourcefulness, optimism, and the ability to adapt.
بهترین استفاده را از یک موقعیت بد یا دشوار کردن، یافتن چیزی مثبت یا مفید در چیزی
[مشاهده متن کامل]

دلالت بر تدبیر، خوش بینی و توانایی سازگاری دارد.
For instance, if a person’s flight is delayed, they might say, “Well, I guess I’ll make lemonade out of lemons and explore the airport. ”
In a challenging circumstance, a friend might say, “You always find a way to make lemonade out of lemons. ”
A person facing a setback might say, “I’ll make lemonade out of lemons and use this as an opportunity to learn and grow. ”
