make a clean breast of it

پیشنهاد کاربران

To confess fully or admit something honestly, especially something that has been kept secret or hidden.
به طور کامل اعتراف کردن یا چیزی را صادقانه پذیرفتن، به ویژه چیزی که مخفی یا پنهان نگه داشته شده است.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

مترادف: Confess, admit, come clean
متضاد: Conceal, hide
After years of hiding the truth, he decided to make a clean breast of it and tell his family everything.
She made a clean breast of it and admitted her mistakes to her boss.
The politician made a clean breast of it during the press conference, revealing all the details of the scandal.
