maintenance treatment

پیشنهاد کاربران

Maintenance treatment refers to a long - term medical treatment aimed at managing and stabilizing the symptoms of a chronic condition, such as addiction. In the context of drug addiction, maintenance treatment typically involves the use of a medication, such as methadone or buprenorphine, to help reduce withdrawal symptoms and cravings for illegal drugs. The goal of maintenance treatment is to help individuals recover from addiction and maintain sobriety over time.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

درمان نگهدارنده به یک درمان پزشکی طولانی مدت با هدف مدیریت و تثبیت علائم یک بیماری مزمن مانند اعتیاد اشاره دارد.
در زمینه اعتیاد به مواد مخدر، درمان نگهدارنده معمولاً شامل استفاده از دارویی مانند متادون یا بوپرنورفین برای کمک به کاهش علائم ترک و میل به داروهای غیرقانونی است. هدف از درمان نگهدارنده کمک به بهبودی افراد از اعتیاد و حفظ هوشیاری در طول زمان است.
After struggling with heroin addiction for years, John was finally able to achieve sobriety through a maintenance treatment program that included daily doses of methadone.
The methadone clinic provided maintenance treatment to hundreds of patients struggling with opioid addiction, helping them to manage their symptoms and stay off the streets.
The government launched a new initiative to provide access to maintenance treatment for individuals struggling with addiction, including those who had been previously incarcerated.
