luvvy duvvy

پیشنهاد کاربران

Luvvy - duvvy
Luvvy - duvvy is a slang term used to describe a couple or individuals who are excessively affectionate or lovey - dovey with each other. It often implies a sense of being overly sentimental or mushy.
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اصطلاح عامیانه
زن و شوهر یا افرادی که بیش از حد با یکدیگر محبت دارند یا لیلی و مجنون هستند.
این اغلب حاکی از تصور بیش از حد احساساتی یا ( احساسات ) پرسوز و گداز است.
They’re always so luvvy - duvvy, it’s almost nauseating.
A person might say, “I can’t stand being around luvvy - duvvy couples, it’s too sappy. ”
In a conversation about public displays of affection, someone might comment, “They take luvvy - duvvy to a whole new level. ”
