lump together

پیشنهاد کاربران

This phrase means to group or categorize things or people without considering their individual differences or nuances.
گروه بندی یا دسته بندی کردن اشیا یا افراد بدون در نظر گرفتن تفاوت ها یا جزئیات فردی آن ها
[مشاهده متن کامل]

همه را به یک چشم دیدن
Don’t lump all politicians together – they have different beliefs and values.
In a discussion about music genres, someone might say, “We can’t just lump all rap music together – there are different sub - genres with unique styles. ”
A person criticizing a news article might comment, “The author lumps together all millennials as lazy and entitled, which is unfair and inaccurate. ”

lump together
دسته بندی کردن
e. g. men were lumped together according to height
مردان را برحسب قدشان دسته بندی می کردند.
