lucid trip

پیشنهاد کاربران

A “lucid trip” refers to a dream in which the dreamer is aware that they are dreaming and can actively control the events and outcomes within the dream. It allows the dreamer to have a sense of agency and influence over their dream experience.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

خوابی که در آن خواب بیننده از خواب دیدن خود آگاه است و می تواند رویدادها و نتایج درون رویا را فعالانه کنترل کند.
این به رویا پرداز اجازه می دهد تا احساس عاملیت و تأثیرگذاری بر تجربه رویایی خود داشته باشد.
Last night, I had a lucid trip where I could fly and explore the entire city.
Someone might say, “Lucid trips are incredible because you can do anything you want and be anyone you want in your dreams. ”
Another person might share, “I practice lucid dreaming techniques to have more frequent lucid trips and unlock the potential of my dream world. ”
