long for something

پیشنهاد کاربران

مشتاق چیزی بودن
[ترجمه متون اسلامی، سالار منافی اناری] if you live they should long for you.
اگر زنده بمانید، مردم مشتاق تان باشند.
با تمام دل چیزی را خواستن
long for something; long to do something
to want something very much/ The meaning of “long for something” is to have a strong desire or yearning for something, especially something that is difficult or impossible to obtain. The meaning of “long to do something” is to have a strong desire or yearning to do something, especially something that is difficult or impossible to do.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

چیزی را خیلی خواستن
داشتن میل یا اشتیاق شدید به چیزی است، مخصوصاً چیزی که به دست آوردن آن دشوار یا غیر ممکن است. منظور از long to do something داشتن میل یا اشتیاق شدید برای انجام کاری است، به ویژه کاری که انجام آن دشوار یا غیرممکن است.
She longed to see him again.
I'm longing for news of him.
She longed for his return, but she knew he would never come back.
He longed to see the world, but he was too afraid to leave his home.
They longed for peace, but they lived in a war - torn country.

long for something
منابع• https://sentence.yourdictionary.com/long-for
