lollipop lady

انگلیسی به انگلیسی

• a lollipop lady is a woman whose job is to help children cross a particular road safely. she carries a pole with a circular sign at the top that tells traffic to stop.

پیشنهاد کاربران

( also, lollipop woman )
a woman who helps children to cross the road near a school by standing in the middle of the road and holding up a stick with a round sign on it that means that the traffic must stop
[مشاهده متن کامل]

زنی که با ایستادن در وسط راه و در دست گرفتن تابلویی به کودکان کمک می کند تا از جاده نزدیک مدرسه عبور کنند و این بدین معنا است که خودروها باید توقف کنند.
The traffic has got a lot worse since she started as a lollipop lady fifteen years ago.
The school's lollipop lady says some drivers have a lot to learn.

lollipop lady
زنی که به بچه ها کمک میکند تا بچه هااز خیابان رد شوند
