loll around

پیشنهاد کاربران

Lolling around refers to the act of lounging or relaxing in a lazy or idle manner, often without any specific purpose or activity. It involves wasting time by simply being unproductive and enjoying leisure time.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

لم دادن یا استراحت کردن با بی حوصله گی یا بطالت، اغلب بدون هیچ هدف یا فعالیت خاصی.
این شامل اتلاف وقت با صرفاً غیر مولد بودن و لذت بردن از اوقات فراغت است.
I spent the entire weekend lolling around in bed, watching movies.
Someone might say, “I like to loll around on the couch and read a book when I have free time. ”
A person might confess, “Sometimes I just loll around and do nothing productive, and that’s okay. ”
