loaf around

پیشنهاد کاربران

Loafing around means to spend time idly or in a lazy manner, often without any specific objective or goal in mind.
گذراندن زمان/وقت گذراندن از روی بیکاری یا بی حوصله گی، اغلب بدون هدف یا منظور خاصی
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پرسه زدن
“I loafed around the house all day, not doing anything productive.
A person might say, “I’m tired of loafing around. I need to find something meaningful to do. ”
A friend might suggest, “Let’s loaf around at the park and enjoy the sunshine. ”

( intransitive, idiomatic ) to do nothing in particular, be idle
Example :
I haven’t been loafing around on my couch in a Maryland mansion for 44 years cowardly and opportunistically waiting for someone else to do the hard work because he has a big belly and soft hands and because daddy stole enough money he never has to work a day in his lazy life - but hey check out those photos on Instagram in Ibiza, Monte Carlo and let’s salivate all over them because they’re the Persian Kardashians.
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