
پیشنهاد کاربران

To livicate means to devote oneself wholeheartedly to a particular task or goal. It implies a deep level of commitment and dedication.
وقف کردن خود/ فداکاری کردن از صمیم قلب برای انجام یک کار یا رسیدن به هدف خاص . این به معنای سطح عمیقی از تعهد و فداکاری است.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

For instance, a student might say, “I’m going to livicate myself to studying for this exam and give it my all. ”
A musician might declare, “I livicate this performance to my late grandfather, who inspired me to pursue my passion. ”
A coach might encourage their team, saying, “Let’s livicate ourselves to training and improving every day. ”

