lick your wounds

پیشنهاد کاربران

سنگ ها را وا کندن
The phrase "lick your wounds" means to spend time regaining strength or happiness after experiencing a defeat or disappointment. It implies taking time to reflect and heal before moving forward
صرف کردن زمان ( تامل کردن ) برای بازیابی قدرت یا شادی پس از تجربه شکست یا ناامیدی است. این مستلزم صرف کردن زمان برای تأمل و بهبودی قبل از حرکت به جلو است.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

After losing the election, many politicians spent weeks licking their wounds before deciding whether to run again.
Following the breakup, Sarah decided to take some time alone to lick her wounds and try to move past the pain.
As a coach, it's essential to allow players to lick their wounds after a loss before pushing them too hard to bounce back.

lick your wounds
در خلوت ( تنهایی ) به شکست یا ناامیدی خود فکر کردن، به بدبختی های خود فکر کردن
